Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Faces in the flowers

The Bleeding heart flowers in their prime on Saturday.They look glowering in their intensity.
I know Pansys can have faces in their glorious coloured petals.Happy ones, sad ones, mysterious ones.
The front cover of the Orchid Thief has the most striking Orchid face.Susan Orleans wrote that she began to see faces amongst the thousands of orchids she looked at.
The garden spirits must live temporarily within flower faces, and make us humanise our flowers.Click on the photo to see the Bleeding heart brothers.Eyes and long nose, very alien looking :)


Sigrun said...

Hi Snappy, long time nothing heard from you. I do not comment very often in the moment, my back is realy bad, I can not seat for a long time.
I've got two white bleeding heart this year, a gift from friends.


David (Snappy) said...

Hi Sigrun,I moved away from my lovely garden to a new flat.It has taken me ages to find all the blogs I used to visit :)
I will drop by more often.I hope your back gets better.Your photos are still beautiful Sigrun.

Connie said...

Came here via garden voices. Lovely photo of Bleeding Heart!

David (Snappy) said...

Thanks Connie.Photos are great for recording a plant or flower at its best before the flowers droop or drop off.Glad you dropped by.